Air Hose Storage

Storing an air hose properly is essential to ensure that it remains in good condition. In a workshop or garage environment, your hose needs to be ready for use at any time. In this article we provides tips on air hose storage and how to keep your hose in tip-top condition.

The Basics of Air Hose Storage

Generally speaking, air hoses are built to be robust.  Indeed, they can withstand being dropped occasionally or dragged along the floor. However, it’s important to keep them in good condition so that you can get a longer life out of them. All it takes is thinking about how and where to store them.

Air Hose Reels

First and foremost, before we talk about things to consider when storing your air hose, we would highly recommend air hose reels (or retractable air hose reels). Buying an air hose reel ensures it stays safely stored away from harsh temperatures. Not only that, but it also keeps your work environment clear and free of trip hazards.

Shop Air Hose Reels

Consider the Environment

  • Ensure that you store your hose in a location that is away from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid storing your air hose too near moisture or extreme temperatures.
  • Keep the hose away from dust and debris as that could clog up the hose.

Hang the Air Hose in a Loop

  • To prevent kinks and damage, hang the air hose or coil it loosely in a loop and place it over a hook, bracket or mount.
  • Make sure the air hose is not stretched too tightly as this could damage it.
  • The best solution is to get a retractable air hose reel, this allows the hose to retract into its case, attached to a wall mounted bracket and be pulled out easily when needed.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

  • Store the air hose in a garage, shed, or workshop.
  • Avoid leaving the air hose exposed to the elements for extended periods of time.
  • Make sure the air hose is not left in direct sunlight as this could cause heat damage.


It’s essential to take the time to look after your air hose. Keeping it safely stored will ensure it will be good to use when you need it. Afterall, there’s nothing worse than going to use something only to find that it no longer works now that you need it!

To sum it all up:

  • Air hose storage is essential to ensure the longevity and safety of the hose.
  • Choosing the right environment, hanging or coiling the hose, and storing it in a cool, dry place are all important steps in air hose storage.
  • Taking the time to properly store an air hose will help to ensure that it is ready to use when needed.
  • Think about purchasing an air hose reel, simply put – storing your hose will no longer be an issue.

If you would like any help or advice about air hoses or air hose reels, please feel free to get in touch, you can call us on: 01932 348777 

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about air hoses, then please take a look at our guide: Choosing the right air line hose