Air Compressor Repair
in Surrey & the Surrounding Areas
Get your compressor repaired in 3 simple steps:

Call us now: 01932 348777
Visit Our compressor repair Centre in surrey
Air compressors are usually very reliable, but like anything else can still experience problems. The good news is, if you live around the Surrey area, Metro Sales offer an air compressor repair service!
Located near the old Brooklands race track in Byfleet, Surrey, we can fix both single phase and three phase compressors. Give us a call to get your business or hobby back on track !

Where is Metro Sales Located?
Directions to Metro Sales – we are a 3 minute walk from Byfleet & New Haw train station
metro sales have 30+ years experience in air compressor repair
We know how disruptive a broken air compressor can be to your business or hobby. In many cases customers depend on your service and you hate letting them down because of a faulty product. That’s why first and foremost we like to talk you through any minor issues which could be easily fixed over the phone.
Only when it’s apparent that it requires a professional engineer will book you in. Afterall, if we can diagnose the issue over the phone, we could offer you guidance to fix it yourself!
Please start by giving us a call: 01932 348777.
Metro Sales Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am until 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am until 4:00pm
Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays: Closed