Air Compressor Sales, Supplies & services near guildford, Surrey
Metro Sales is approximately 20 minutes away from Guildford by car & 24 minutes by train
Are you looking for local & reliable air compressor sales and services in the Guildford area?
With a fully stocked on-site shop selling air compressors, air tools, air hoses and air compressor fittings – Metro Sales is your local One Stop Air Shop!
Trading since 1989, our team of friendly & experienced staff will help you find exactly what you need – WITHOUT trying to upsell extras that you don’t need!
Not only that, we offer air compressor services in Guildford too! This includes air compressor repair, air compressor servicing and air compressor installation.
Do you have any questions about our products or services?
Are you looking to check stock before popping in?
Please give us a call on 01932348777
or send us an email:
Our Address:
138 Oyster Lane
KT14 7JQ

Our Opening hours:
- Monday: 8:30am – 5pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am – 5pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am – 5pm
- Thursday: 8:30am – 5pm
- Friday: 8:30am – 4pm
- Saturday & Sundar: Closed